welcome to my blog..this blog special for you dear PRINCE & PRINCESS...saranghae....!! make yourself happy Your Highness...lets read some information here okay n enjoyy...nothing important info about how to build a country Your Highness..just some info about human being and myself..haha~ lets read......감사합니다..dont understand...okay..gamsahabnida..still dont understand?..okay ..thank you...hehe~

have a look


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

'lurve el emeli es sa hakes de luvlio ' on eid ul-fitr

dear ma 'lurve el emeli es sa hakes de luvlio '...
yeah! it had been very long since i last met you.....

you know 'lurve el emeli es sa hakes de luvlio '??
i miss you so much....

i'm really hopes that i can meet you now...
yup..the only possibility to meet you is NOW!!

on this EID ul-FITR....

 but.....i think the percentage of possibility were only 20% or lower....
i don't mind..with that percentage....as long as i can meet you though through an incident

if we are destined to be together..i believe Allah will let us meet although in such a bad condition....

yes!! i will be patient with qada' and qadar Allah...

p/s: let be patient guys....no matter happen.., if we had been destined together... we will always be together no matter in what type of condition..so believe Allah to put who is your destiny!! 

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