welcome to my blog..this blog special for you dear PRINCE & PRINCESS...saranghae....!! make yourself happy Your Highness...lets read some information here okay n enjoyy...nothing important info about how to build a country Your Highness..just some info about human being and myself..haha~ lets read......감사합니다..dont understand...okay..gamsahabnida..still dont understand?..okay ..thank you...hehe~

have a look


Sunday, July 10, 2011

BEAST photos!!!!

hello !! it had been so long i didn't make entry about Beast..long?? actually just a few days...hehe~ i kinda miss them after not write about their story ......okay b2uties....u want more Beast picture?? is it the picture that i place in this blog still  not enough ?? hehe~ okay....lets see some photo of them......

yaaa~~ so cute!! guess?? who is this?? ....lets take a look...his hair...ermm.....eye..erm..so cute!! of course he is my lovely Yang Yo Seob.....he is so cute and this picture really2 make me faint...^^ you know what being said by Yoseob when uploading this picture?? he said after he sure that the b2uties will faint when see this picture because it is so cute, so sexy....So, he upload it through his twitter....keke^^...this is what being said by this cute Yoseobie..."The picture I took after thought...kekeke I think all the b2uties will faint because the expression is so cute, sexy, and amazing...whew I got the picture there"...haha~ b2uties!!! make sure you are still okay and not faint because of this picture..,okay????? there still have picture for you below..keke^^ if you get faint right now.., how can you take a look for other picture ?? =(

lets go dear...lets take a look for other picture....

they are so cute and gorgeous...hurmm...oh yeah~ leader Doo Joon with new hair.....Doo Joon had changed his hair style since they are going to Thailand for the fanmeeting.....and Yoseob's hair style had been changed before he came to Malaysia......waa~ Maknae Dong Woon...close your mouth!! keke^^ are you surprise to see me in  front of the laptop??!! am I very beautiful till make  you surprise to see me??hehe~ Jun Hyung ah~ i didn't want to say anything about you since you already have girlfriend....i'm upset with that...the only thing i can say is you are so cute and i like your style..but.., i'm not in love with you anymore..cheh~~ haha~ can i be a superb actor like Gi Kwang?? keke.....guys!! did you watch Gi Kwang acting in My Princess Drama??? he is good at acting...keke~ but i like to see Yoseob in drama the most.....hoho~

Doooo...doooo...doooo...dooseob!!! Doo Joon expression was kinda weird in this photo....it doesn't look like real Doo Joon ..hehe~ Doo Joon ah~ don't acting cute okay!! you are tough man....you should be more manly!! it more suitable with your character....hehe~..but..,, oppa.you are still cute~ i'm praising him because i'm afraid there will be b2uties that angry with what i just said..keke~... hey guys!! look at Yoseobie..isn't he is superb cute?? i really2 luv this picture....very thankful to Doo Joon because uploading this photo......saranghaeyo~

waa~~ Yang Yoseob!! you are still cute even you are sleeping! at this moment yoseob said he is always sleepy and like to sleep.....Doo Joon describe Yoseob as monster of sleeping forest...haha~

thats all for this entry guys!! wait for the upcoming entry for more Beast and more picture!!!

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