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Sunday, June 12, 2011

yoseob angry bcoz of Rainbow’s Jaekyung

sekarang Yosoebie risau sal cerita yang tersebar bahawa dia ada gf.korang taw x...yoseob sangat terluka dengan adanya cerita palsu nie..samapaikan ianya mengganggu emosi Yoseob pada ketika ini...tapi.., ianya dah beransur pulih...dengan adanya sokongan dari peminat @ b2uties semua...akhirnya Yoseob cuba untuk kembali ceria seperti biasa....nie adalah salah satu tweets Yoseob drpd personal twitter nya..." Caring for me, loving me, worrying for me, and thinking of me. Thank you for today and I'm sorry for not smiling as much and making you guys worry. I feel a bit better now!^^ Everyone good night^^"..urmmm...n org yang dikaitkan dengan berita palsu nie adalah 


Rainbow’s Jaekyung

ada rumor sal Yoseob dan Jaekyung akan jadi next couple dlm We Got Married...hal nie la yg menyebabkan Yoseob tidak senang duduk dan terluka kerana semua itu tidak benar...dia benar2 berada dlm keadaan tertekan sekarang......kenyataan yg sebenarnya: anggota kumpulan Beast tdk pernah rancang utk menyertai program tersebut...

Group BEAST’s Yang Yoseob made sure that the netizens will halt the hateful comments after there was a rumor that a BEAST member and Rainbow’s Jaekyung would be the next couple on MBC ‘We Got Married’.

On the 7th, Yang Yoseob posted via his personal twitter towards the fans, “The scars that I received from the someone who had randomly spat out some comments still hasn’t healed. This probably doesn’t only apply to me, but others as well. No matter what the method is, someone should never have to inflect such deep scars on another person.”
In addition Yang Yoseob stated, “Apologize. Should I do it instead?” making a warning statement towards the netizens sending her hateful comments.
BEAST’s fans had shown strong responses to the issue by posting hateful comments and more due to this issue.
In fact, Cube Entertainment reassured that BEAST does not even plan to be on We Got Married: “We are at a situation where BEAST member’s names are being associated with the ‘We Got Married’ couples when they don’t even have plans to participate in them.”


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