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Monday, July 25, 2011

yoseob fell down at KLIA

 annaeyonghesayo b2uties....
i like to greet you in Korea as my entry was about Beast..keke^^ 
hello everybody!! long time no see.....okay.. this time my entry is about the newest issue about Beast...specifically , is about Yang Yoseob....did you heard the rumour about Yoseob fell down at airport??

for your information... Beast had made performance at Malaysia for MTV Worldstage on 24 JULY...in their way for going back to Korea, my cute Yoseobie had fell down and being help to get up by the security that control the current situation at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA)... i think Yoseob get hurt..... i'm very pity with him....he is so innocent.....arrgghh~~ Yoseob oppa!! you should be more carefull next time okay!! i had always saw you as if about to fall before..so many time you know..even at Malaysia Fan Meeting before..he is like gonna fall when walking down the stairs....haisy..i'm very2 pity with you oppa!! i understand your feeling when falling down in public especially in front of your own fans....mianhaeyo~~ i feel guilty to you....

b2uties!! u can see the video of Yoseob fell down at the link below :
 yoseob fell down at Malaysia (KLIA)

Yoseob was very embrassed with what had happen to him......let see what being told by Yoseob through his twitter b2uties...keke^^

"Ack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜHow embarrassingㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜAck....I was in a rush because I was embarrassed before so I couldnt even greet anyone. Are the fans who fell because of others okayㅜ? Im sorryㅜㅜGood morning!!! "

i think..yoseob not only embarrased at that time..but he is hurt as well...thats why he can't greet malaysian b2uties at that time.......but....he will feel embrassed more than the pain of his leg at that time....don't you think so dear??. huhu~

then..what make me touching was when Yoseob tweet like this.....jeng jeng jeng~~~( surprised!! keke^^ )

"I showered and now I'm lying down..I will sleep a bit now..keke Ah..Me falling down at the Malaysia airport was 100 percent my fault..kekeke To the fans who kept on saying "Sorry Yoseob" I am more sorryㅜㅜAnyways I am fine so don't worry!! I'm going to deep sleep good night!"

this is what being said by Yoseob...he said that it wasn't b2uties fault..but...100% his fault....ahh~ you are so kind oppa!!  he was keep talking on phone at that time ..it was an accident..no b2uties around him at that time..he's really2 fell down because of accident..not because of malaysian's b2uties....but.., for you to said that on twitter i'm very2 touch oppa!! when i know this rumour (about Yoseob fell down at Malaysia ) i thought .., there will be b2uties from other country will think it was Malaysian b2uties' fault.....it such a relief when Yoseob said that on his twitter.......

oppa!! make sure you becareful next time and alert with your step..keke^^....saranghae Yoseob oppa!!

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