welcome to my blog..this blog special for you dear PRINCE & PRINCESS...saranghae....!! make yourself happy Your Highness...lets read some information here okay n enjoyy...nothing important info about how to build a country Your Highness..just some info about human being and myself..haha~ lets read......감사합니다..dont understand...okay..gamsahabnida..still dont understand?..okay ..thank you...hehe~

have a look


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

everyday everynight every second..,
i am thinking about you
i am always miss you..
you even show up in my dream..
yes, even in my sleep i'm still thinking about you..
what I could do is just to pray you are my soulmate,
 and I hope we had been destined to be together in facing the long journey before we end up meet our Creator..

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