welcome to my blog..this blog special for you dear PRINCE & PRINCESS...saranghae....!! make yourself happy Your Highness...lets read some information here okay n enjoyy...nothing important info about how to build a country Your Highness..just some info about human being and myself..haha~ lets read......감사합니다..dont understand...okay..gamsahabnida..still dont understand?..okay ..thank you...hehe~

have a look


Monday, June 20, 2011

everyb0dy cheese!!

lets see some of beast picture okay!!..i had been search for this picture from many source juz 4 u guys...haha~..da true is for me....i luv beast so much...wanna see da picture of my boyfriends??kuang3....lets go!!! this picture had been taken from their TwiTTer okay?? wanna follow them on twitter but dunno??..haha~ is it okay if i don't want to share it with you about their own personal twitter? kekeke...okay2..if there have request from you guys i will tell you okay.....for da people dat had knew  about their personal twitter...shhhh...dats our secret...haha~ juz kidding lorh...okay2...lets see their picture first.....

Guess what this is. You want to know right~~~?
guess?? dats what being said by Yoseob oppa when uploading this picture..he wants us to guess what had been hold by him....do you know what is that???....haha~  i'm also didn't know it as well......but i think it was the program book or scheduler for Asian Fanmeeting tour...this fanmeeting is including Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia...u know Beast will come to Malaysia in this 1st July right?? but.. i'm really2 upset b'coz i can't go.....but..., is there have anybody dats will go there??? send my regard to them okay!! especially to my lovely Yang Yoseob....haha~ 

The expression says where is this smell?

hahaha~ dis is also being uploaded by Yoseobie~ kekeke...they had upload each of their team member picture...a funny picture......they had take revenge to each other by uploading a funny picture of dats member.....what a cute expression Gi Kwang...hak3....

Revenge started kekekekekekeke Must be painful..kekekeke
dis is picture of Yoseob dats being upload by Gi Kwang....what a cute member..haha~ play like dis with each others..... B2uties will have fun right??haha~ you are still cute Yoseob although with dats weird expression..kekeke.....

For b2uty and beast who worked hard for a month and a week! Nice work
dis is not a revenge photo anymore okay...Hyunseung had upload it for his fans dats always support him and Beast...oh yeeahh!!...dis is 4 u all guys...haha~..

Ah I'm bored.. I have no makeup on unnie/noonas
hahaha~..this is being upload by maknae DongWoon...kekeke...so cute....he is boring at that time...so.., what he did was uploading his picture to his fan...and make mess with Doo Joon hyung..haha~ what a cute maknae..dats oky maknae .., althouh all the hyung bullying you.. you still have us right..?your faithfull b2uties...

Living with Jeon Joonkun for two days at Ilsan now..
"My name is Doo Joon ..i am Beast leader... you know??"haha~ the phrase dats being said by Doo joon when being asked to speak English in Idol maid...hahha~ so funny....!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


 nie adalah sedikit sebanyak apa yg Yoseob luahkan melalui twitter nya......lets read GUYS>>>>>>>
"Since many of you guys are wondering I will tell you. The story of my girlfriend I said on Immortal Song is a joke so please skip any rumors about me and other stars.. Like I said before, can't you just trust us? Why do you give me pain by saying I'm disappointed or I'm turning my back on you just from the rumors.

Even though others might think that it's worthless looking over and listening to everything and caring about it, but I believe that any misunderstanding between beast and b2uties must be solved so I am writing this letter by letter with effort.
First of all.. There was this strange rumor that I had a girlfriend.. That is not true.. I don't know where the rumor started so I can't exactly explain every detail.. But I'm really sad and disappointed that I am explaining myself something is not true ^^

I don't know what else to say so I keep writing and erasing.. I'll just stop here."

yoseob angry bcoz of Rainbow’s Jaekyung

sekarang Yosoebie risau sal cerita yang tersebar bahawa dia ada gf.korang taw x...yoseob sangat terluka dengan adanya cerita palsu nie..samapaikan ianya mengganggu emosi Yoseob pada ketika ini...tapi.., ianya dah beransur pulih...dengan adanya sokongan dari peminat @ b2uties semua...akhirnya Yoseob cuba untuk kembali ceria seperti biasa....nie adalah salah satu tweets Yoseob drpd personal twitter nya..." Caring for me, loving me, worrying for me, and thinking of me. Thank you for today and I'm sorry for not smiling as much and making you guys worry. I feel a bit better now!^^ Everyone good night^^"..urmmm...n org yang dikaitkan dengan berita palsu nie adalah 


Rainbow’s Jaekyung

ada rumor sal Yoseob dan Jaekyung akan jadi next couple dlm We Got Married...hal nie la yg menyebabkan Yoseob tidak senang duduk dan terluka kerana semua itu tidak benar...dia benar2 berada dlm keadaan tertekan sekarang......kenyataan yg sebenarnya: anggota kumpulan Beast tdk pernah rancang utk menyertai program tersebut...

Group BEAST’s Yang Yoseob made sure that the netizens will halt the hateful comments after there was a rumor that a BEAST member and Rainbow’s Jaekyung would be the next couple on MBC ‘We Got Married’.

On the 7th, Yang Yoseob posted via his personal twitter towards the fans, “The scars that I received from the someone who had randomly spat out some comments still hasn’t healed. This probably doesn’t only apply to me, but others as well. No matter what the method is, someone should never have to inflect such deep scars on another person.”
In addition Yang Yoseob stated, “Apologize. Should I do it instead?” making a warning statement towards the netizens sending her hateful comments.
BEAST’s fans had shown strong responses to the issue by posting hateful comments and more due to this issue.
In fact, Cube Entertainment reassured that BEAST does not even plan to be on We Got Married: “We are at a situation where BEAST member’s names are being associated with the ‘We Got Married’ couples when they don’t even have plans to participate in them.”


Friday, June 3, 2011

B2st story 1.....made by me......^_^

pada suatu pagi......di rumah sekumpulan pelajar lelaki.......

" kringggggggggg!!!!!!"
Doo Joon tersedar dan terus melihat jam loceng di sebelahnya. Kemudian dia memandang sekeliling. Matahari sudah memancarkan cahayanya yang terang sehingga menembusi tingkap bilik mereka.. dia kemudian memandang Yoseob dan Dong Woon yang berada di sebelahnya. Mereka masih lena dibuai mimpi

kemudian, dia menjenguk katil bawah. kelihatan Jun hyung , Gi Kwang dan Hyun seung juga masih lena di tempat tidur masing2.
Doo Joon mencapai handphone nye...

" aigooo....lupa pulak ade janji ngan Sarae nak jumpa...".. Sarae adalah rakan baik mereka di sekolah ..
tit..ni..nittt.....Doo joon menekan butang telefon bimbitnya.., mendial nombor Sarae..
"gabsayo"..kedengaran suara Sarae di hujung talian...
"aigoooo....lupa pulak nak basuh muka"...getus Doo Joon di dalam hati...Dia tidak selesa untuk bercakap dengan keadaan sebegitu, dengan keadaan gigi yang tak bergosok itu membuatkan dia tidak selesa walaupun hanya bercakap melalui telefon. dia telah menmatkan panggilan tersebut.
dia telah bergegas ke bilik air untuk membasuh muka dan menggosok gigi.

"Khhrgggggggghhhh..." , kedengaran Doo Joon berkumur di bilik air. Jun Hyung dan Yoseob tersedar apabila terdengar bunyi bising di bilik air.
beberapa ketika kemudian...'BEAUTIFUL MY GIRLLLL......ooo...girl...oooo.girl"
lagu nyanyian BEAST berkumandang melalui telefon Doo Joon..
Yoseob yang terganggu dengan bunyi deringan itu mengangkatnya. "gabsayo......."
"yeeaaahhh....errrmmm...jap ea..."

"Doo JooNN!!! " panggil Yoseob..dia masih mengantuk tetapi memaksa dirinya untuk bangun dari katil.

"yee...jap...jap..." sahut Doo Joon yang sedang bersiap untuk keluar...
Doo Joon bergegas mendapatkan Yoseob dan mencapai telefonnya. "gabsayo".....
"Sarae, jap ea ,..aq lambat sikit", jelas Doo Joon.
sarae hanya mengiyakan di hujung talian.
Kemudian, Doo Joon meletakkan semula telefonnya di atas katil dan bergegas untuk bersiap.

"Dong Woon aah~~", Yoseob mengejut Dong Woon dari tidurnya keraba mereka juga ada temu janji dengan Ely pada tengah hari itu.
"ermm....", Dong Woon menjawab dengan malas. Namun, dia lantas bangun setelah melihat jam sudah menunjukkan angka sebelas.Yoseob sudah mula menyediakan sarapan dan kemudiannya pergi mengejutkan Jun Hyung, Gi Kwang dan Hyun Seung. 

Jun Hyung yang tadinya telah sedar dari tidur t elah menyambung kembali tidurnya apabila menerima mesej menyatakan latihan tariannya di Gwong Nam High School pada hari itu telah dibatalkan.

"hei semuaa! jom laaa..sarapan dah siap", kedengaran Yoseob memanggil kawan kawannya di dapur. Gi kwang kemudiannya muncul.

"mana Doo Joon??" tanya Gi Kwang kepada Yoseob."pergi jumpa Sarae..ade discussion katanya.,,"
"oooo...patut laa sunyi je"
"ko tak keluar ke hari nie??"tanya Yoseob pula..
"erm..malas nak kluar.....nie pown lom mandi agie" jelas Gik kwang sambil tergelak


Jun Hyung bergegas membuka pintu."sape plak yg datang nie", getus Jun Hyung dalam hati

"...annayenghesayo...balas Jun Hyung...
"masuk lah..." ajak Jun Hyung

"ermmmm...tak pe laa....Yosoeb ngan Dong Woon ade???" tanya Ely setelah menolak pelawaan Jun Hyung.

Ely dan Jun Hyung hanya berbual di muka pintu....
Yoseob kemudian muncul di depan pintu.."hai Ely...masuk la dulu...sarapan dulu", ajak Yoseob.."lagipun kitorang lambat lagi nak siap...masuk lah dulu..Dong Woon pown lom siap mandi agie rasa nyer...masuk laaa.."jelas Yosoeb lagi sambil memujuk Ely untuk masuk ke rumah mereka....
"aq da makan tadi..korang makan laa......" ucap Ely sambil membuka kasut..dia terpaksa menerima tawaran Yoseob kerana dia tiada pilihan lain.

"korang baru sarapan ke??' tanya Ely lagi setelah Yoseob datang membawa beberapa keping roti bakar dan jem. dia kemudiannya menghidangkannya di meja.

"a'aaa Ely.....biasa la tu..nama pun rumah orang-orang bujang", sampuk Dong Woon yang baru keluar dari bilik. Ely tergelak mendengar kata2 Dong Woon itu....
"tadi aq ajak, tak nak masuk...jual mahal..", celah jun Hyung yang sibuk menonton televisyen. Kedengaran suara Ely tergelak lagi..."bukan aku jual mahal...segan laa Jun hyung..aigooo...,"jelas Ely.....Hyun seung yang baru keluar dari bilik tersenyum mendengar usikan Jun hyung....


Thursday, June 2, 2011

lyrics BEAST

oky now we go through BEAST lyrics oky.....1st we lyn special lu ek.....



Yeah don’t be scared baby
Atom bomb is coming

Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

Bounce me oh oh oh Bounce me oh oh oh
Bounce me oh oh oh Every time I special
Bounce me oh oh oh Bounce me oh oh oh
Bounce me oh oh oh Every time I special

nan eonjena kkalkkeumhan fashion ni mam-eul salojab-eul motion
neocheoleom bichnaneun my eyes
I got so much luv luv
nan ppeonppeonhan aedeulgwaneun dalla nae pyohyeon-eun nuguboda
nae nunbich-eun neol hyanghae bling bilng
U make me feel alive alive

Babe amuleon uisimjocha hajima yeah~
nan dalla dalla hey girl neowa na ije let's go
I got U lady geuleohge anj-a issji malgo naleul hyanghae ni mam-eul

naega neoui special special special guy uwo-eo ~
neon namanbogo ttalawa
ulin hangsang special special special jakku heundeul-eo
neon naege ppajigo ni meolis-sog-eun nalo kkwag cha

uliui feeling f feeling neoneun burning b burning
naege coming c coming yo every time I special
jamkkanman waiting w waiting neoneun panic p panic
naege crazy crazy yo every time I special

neoleul hyanghaeganeun quick step! nae salang-eun eonjena non-stop!
neol boneun gaseum-i pop! pop!
I got so much luv luv
neol neomboneun namjadeul-i manh-ahajiman neol jal molla
nan hanaman bwado al-a
U make me feel alive alive

Babe amuleon uisimjochahaji ma yeah~
nan dalla dalla hey girl neowa na ije let's go
I got U lady geuleohge anj-a issji malgo naleul hyanghae ni mam-eul

naega neoui special special special guy uwo-eo ~
neon namanbogo ttalawa
ulin hangsang special special special jakku heundeul-eo
neon naege ppajigo ni meolis-sog-eun nalo kkwag cha

What up represent CUBE I’m the joker Watch me
So special guy is me we fly nan pyeongbeomhan aedeulgwa leveli dalla
Wow nunbusin neon my favorite style oh God
Let let let let let’s go

naegahaneun modeun geos-i neoleul hyanghan special
I got U lady geuleohge anj-a issji malgo naleul hyanghae ni mam-eul

naega neoui special special special guy uwo-eo ~
neon namanbogo ttalawa
ulin hangsang special special special jakku heundeul-eo
neon naege ppajigo ni meolis-sog-eun nalo kkwag cha

uliui feeling f feeling neoneun burning b burning
naege coming c coming yo every time I special
jamkkanman waiting w waiting neoneun panic p panic
naege crazy crazy yo every time I special

yeaaahhh...itu die special dari BEAST.....oky jom looking 4 mystery lak ea....camat ber karaoke..hak3


 Yeah, yeah, love is pain, love is pain
Love is over, love is over, that, that, that's it
O-o-o-o-over, love love is pain, pain
O-o-o-o-over, love, break it

Neon jeongmal mystery, mystery, mystery, mystery
Mystery, mystery, aldagado moreu neun neo
Igeot cham mystery, mystery, mystery, mystery
Mystery, mystery

Yeogi jom bwabwa nal jom bwabwa ne ape itjanha
Eojetbam kkaji uri dureun jeulgeo weosseot janha
Gabjagi neo wae irae ne nuneun jakku nal pihae
Gomin gomin haebwado nan mo-mo-mo-mo-molla

B-b-b-b-break it, oh, la-la-la-lady
Neon jeongmal alsu eobtneun question nega mweonde
Dae-dae-dae-dae-daeche wae nae-nae-nae-naege
Ireohke nalhimdeul gehae

You tell me, tell me why, you show me, show me why
Neon wae geureoni daeche nan hante why
You tell me, tell me why, you show me, show me why
Cham aireoni naega piryo eobtni-i-i-i-i

Neon jeongmal mystery, mystery, mystery, mystery
Mystery, mystery, aldagado moreu neun neo
Igeot cham mystery, mystery, mystery, mystery
Mystery, mystery

Teojyeo teojyeo michyeo michyeo gagi ilbojik jeon
Chama chama chamadodwae igeon neowi jakjeon
Geulsse geulsse anilgeol jeoldae jeoldae ain't no girl
Gomin gomin haebwado nan mo-mo-mo-mo-molla

B-b-b-b-break it, oh, la-la-la-lady
Neon jeongmal alsu eobtneun question nega mweonde
Dae-dae-dae-dae-daeche wae nae-nae-nae-naege
Ireohke nalhimdeul gehae

You tell me, tell me why, you show me, show me why
Neon wae geureoni daeche nan hante why
You tell me, tell me why, you show me, show me why
Cham aireoni naega piryo eobtni-i-i-i-i

Jeongmal wae jakku nal deulgehae weonhan geon da haejweot neunde
One, two, shigani galsurok apawa nae gaseumdeo
Tto tto tto saenggak halsurok deo deo deo ma eumi jichyeo
Baraneunge hana itdamyeon cheo eumcheoreom dorawa jweo

Soljikhi mareulhae bwana jeongmal moreu gesseo
Charari sarajyeo julkka
Naega piryo eobtdamyeon naega shilheo jin geomyeon
Geunyang ne apeseo kkeojyeo julge

Neon jeongmal mystery, mystery, mystery, mystery
Mystery, mystery, aldagado moreu neun neo
Igeot cham mystery, mystery, mystery, mystery
Mystery, mystery

You tell me, tell me why, you show me, show me why
Neon wae geureoni daeche nan hante why
You tell me, tell me why, you show me, show me why
Cham aireoni naega piryo eobtni-i-i-i-i

Neon jeongmal mystery, mystery, mystery, mystery
Mystery, mystery, aldagado moreu neun neo
Igeot cham mystery, mystery, mystery, mystery
Mystery, mystery

hahaha...lau korang tgk music video MYSTERY...korang ley tgk comey giler yoseob jd pompuan 2....xley blah..pape pown ennjjjoooyyyy!!!!!hak3...lau korang nk tgok camner dyeorang wat video nie,,korang kena tgok BEAST ALMIGHTY..

jom berhibur sat......

korang suka x BEAST?? haha~ aq ase korang ta perlu laa tye aq blik an same ade aq suka beast x...tgok page aq nie pown da taw....skunk layan lagu2 BEAST lak....best giler wooo....lau ta percaya cuba korang dgr ek...kompom terpikat..hak3...adoiii~~ jd promoter BEAST lak aq nie an....lau da minat cenggini la jd nyer......

lau korang na taw an..bkn stkt lagu je best .., tp yg pling pnting smua ensem..hak3....aq taw laa.,,lau pompuan minat korea .,bkn stkt minat lagu je an..kompom minat ngan tuan yg nyanyi 2 skali...cu cite cu cite korang minat kumpulan aner??? n sape yg korang minat....haha...mane taw aq brubah hati kt dyeorang gak..kuang3...

dari kiri: hyun seung, dong woon, yoseob, gi kwang, jun hyung  duduk: doo joon

tu diaaa!! ensem siot...haha...calon yg pling cute dimenangi oleh YOSEOB......oh yeaah!!!hak3....tomey2...byk ag lagu dyeorang yg best2...hurmmm...dgr bape kali pun x boring......seyes!hak3
sape tgok BEAST tyme dye dtg Malaysia taun lps??...x kira laa tgk live ke or utube jer....korang tgok r pompuan 2..huh..jelezz gler aq....aq mmg kompom ah dye x mndi sbulan.....mmg bertuah la dats gurlz...aq kompom rmai yg jelez ngan dye an......nape laa dye begitu bertuah..haha~

aq skunk ngah cari lg lagu BEAST yg best2... nie laa salah satu cara aq menghilangkan kebosanan aq kt umah tyme2 cuti nie...apatah lagi aq kena tinggal sesorang kt umah...nie la keje aq wat mase nie.....
lau ade lagu best2 ..,kongsi2 la yepp...alaaa,,...bkn soh download utk aq pown ..kongsi tjuk lagu dah laa...haha~ okeyh luv BEAST

beast IS the b2st!!!!!!

KMPP @ my 1st entry

hye evrybOdy....this is my 1st entry....kuang3...
so camat b'knlkn ea...sblum nie da prnah wat blog...but x aktif sgt.....
okeyh lets get started bebeyh......


 tyme cuti2 nie..mula la rindu skul, matrixs n so on..haha~
this is my luvly matrix...KOLEJ MATRIKULKASI PULAU PINANG....
lau tyme matrik ak pling suka musim sakura...xley blah..dlm malaysia nie...kt mtrik jer ade musim 'sakura'...cheh...ta caye???
meh aq approve an....jeng jeng jeng....haha~ sila lihat gambar di bwh yepp....


 nie laa musim sakura kt KMPP...hurmmm...rindu bangat seyh....slalu nyer bgku 2 mnjadi tmpt aq beristirehat ngan kengkawan sblum bermulanya KoQ...haha~ yg plik nyer..sblum start da brehat an...nmpak beno mnipu nyer..kah3...i mean bukan la tmpt berehat tp tmpt mnunggu lctrer n kengkawan datang..keh3.....biasalaa..kitorang slalu lmbat...

lau korang nk taw..mtrik la tmpat pling best..hehe..stelah msuk U korang akn taw laa btapa best nye U..ups t'syasyul...bkn u oky..but MATRIX...tade mkne nyer u best...kuang3..tp u pown best gak..ckit je laa...best ckit drpd x dpt bljr langsung..pape pown aq b'syukur sgt dpt smbung bljr....Alhamdulillah..aq harap kejayaan aq nie diredhai Allah dan b'trusan shingga ke akhirat...aq bkn juz nk berjaya kt dunia je aw..aq juga nk b'jaya kt akhirat..amin~~harap sesangat aq dpt jadi insan yg bek....
jom kte tgok2 lagi matrik aq ek..mane taw ade adik2 yg b'minat.....jom2


haaaa...nie logo kmpp......kualiti mesra dan progresif.....sesuai laa dgn pljr2 KMPP yg b'kualiti 2...

haaa...nie plak gmbr salah satu blok kt matrik nie...lawa an???hehe~

pandangan blog2 KMPP dari jauh....dari astaka lau xclap......windu nyerr

nie pentad......mksud nyer pjbt pentadbiran...=)..dulu lctrer sume duk cni...mybe skunk da pindah kt bgunan baru kowt

nie tmpt pling pnting kt KMPP oky..tmpat menenagkan fkiran ....

tue la antra gmbr2 KMPP yg aq chentai....rindu nyer laa....bagi sume pljr matrik..hargailah masa2 kt mtrik baik2 oky..bila korang da msuk u, mtrik la tmpt yg pling korang akn rindu...sbb mtrik jauh bezanya dari u...matrik adlah tmpt yg pling njoy w'pun pnt bljr.....
jgn lupa aw plih KMPP lau nk sng dpt 4flat....haha~ bkn sbb men tipu au...tp tue laa kyataan nyer...aq yakin pljr KMPP boleh...agie pown KMPP kan stand for Kolej Matrikulasi Paling Popular...haha...

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