welcome to my blog..this blog special for you dear PRINCE & PRINCESS...saranghae....!! make yourself happy Your Highness...lets read some information here okay n enjoyy...nothing important info about how to build a country Your Highness..just some info about human being and myself..haha~ lets read......감사합니다..dont understand...okay..gamsahabnida..still dont understand?..okay ..thank you...hehe~

have a look


Thursday, August 28, 2014

i love you mom

dear my mom...
you had leave me here since i'm 16 years old..
now i am 23..
almost 7 year you are leaving me here in this world alone..
i miss every single time i'm with you...
every single moments..
i love the way you treat me..
be patient with my act and behavior..
hear me nagging about something u cant gave me..
always buy me something i wish ..
hear me cry.. wipe my tear..
hold your patient when im get angry...
keep hurting when i say a harsh word...
but u always say u love me...
u always care about me..
u always cook my favorite dish..
never get angry..
always treat me with patient..
come to my school even u cant even write my name....
i love you and never embarrassed even though we are poor
even you are old
even you cant write
but... you are so loving and never shy to have me as your children
you never tired with us mom..
I never know how we will treat you if u are still here mom..
maybe i'm always keep u hurt...
I'm always give you problem..
burden u......
make u worry..
thats why Allah took you from us..
But, I'm always missed u mom...
never forget me...
please always remind me to recite a doa' for you...
Mom..now.. I'm lonely..
theres no people treat me like u do...
no peoples love me like you do...
no peoples cook delicious food like you do..
no mom..
and i miss u very much....
I'm want you who always loving me..
cares about my problem..
never get angry to me..
never feel me as a burden...
only I know how it feel being no parents...
no one cares..
no places to share my problem
no one try to understand me
I just keep it here..
inside my heart..
and my doa as I know Allah always with me
Allah always with u
with us..
and others..

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